PESTS OF PULSES - RED GRAM & CHICKPEA :: Major Pests :: Spotted Pod Borer
5. Spotted pod borer: Maruca testulalis (Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera)
Distribution and status: Tropical and sub tropical regions of the world.
Host range: Beans, peas, castor, groundnut, cowpea, rice, sesame, soybean, tobacco, daincha, sugarcane, redgram, lablab, niger, greengram and blackgram.
Damage symptoms: The larva bores the buds, flowers or pods; infested pods and flowers are webbed together. The larva feeds on seeds. The assessment of damage in pigeonpea pods has shown that 5-20% pods may get affected depending upon the locality, month and variety.
Bionomics: Female lays eggs singly on flowers, buds or pods. After hatching larva bores buds or pods and feed on seeds. The full-grown larva is 20 mm in length. It pupates in the dry leaves (or) debris.
- Grow resistant cultivars like ICPL 98001, ICPL 98003, ICPL 98008, ICPL 9804
- Conserve larval parasitoids Bracon lebetor
- Chemicalcontrol measures are the same as redgram pod borer