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Gummosis - Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vasculorum
The bacterium produces two distinct types of symptoms. On the mature leaves, longitudinal stripes or streaks, 3-7mm in width and several cm in length, appear around the affected veins, near the tip. Initially these stripes are pale yellow in colour, later turn to brown. The affected tissues slowly dry up.
The infected canes are stunted with short internodes, giving a bushy appearance. When such canes are cut transversely or split open longitudinally, a dull yellow bacterial ooze comes out from the cut ends and bacterial pockets are seen inside the slitted cane. The fibro vasuclar bundles are deep red and internodal cavities formed in the severe cases are filled with yellow coloured bacterial gums.
The bacterium is a short rod, Gram negative, non spore forming measuring 1.0 to 1.5µm X 0.4 to 0.5µm, with a single polar flagellum. It is facultative anaerobe and it produces yellow slimy growth.
Disease Cycle
The bacterium remains viable in the soil as well as in infected canes. The primary transmission is through naturally affected diseased setts or through soil-borne contamination. The secondary spread may be through wind splashed rain, harvesting implements, animals and insects. The bacterium can survive in the insect's body for a long time and in this way may be transmitted long distances. On entry into the host the bacterium reaches the vascular tissues and becomes systemic. The bacterium also perpetuates on maize, sorghum, pearlmillet and other weed hosts, which also serve as sources of inoculum.

  • Remove and burn the affected clumps and the stubbles in the field. Select setts from disease free areas.
  • Avoid growing collateral hosts like maize, sorghum and pearlmillet near the sugarcane fields.