e course



Wilt - Cephalosporium sacchari
The first symptom of the disease is visible in the canes of 4-5 month age. The canes may wither in groups. The affected plants are stunted with yellowing and withering of crown leaves. The midribs of all leaves in a crown generally turn yellow, while the leaf lamina may remain green. The leaves dry up and stem develop hollowness in the core. The core shows the reddish discolouration with longitudinal red streaks passing from one internode to another. In severe cases, spindle shaped cavities tapering towards the nodes develop in each internode. The canes emit a disagreeable odour, with lot of mycelial threads of the fungus cover the cavity.
The fungal mycelium is hyaline, septate and thin walled. The conidiophores are simple or branched and produce single celled, hyaline, oval to elliptical microconidia.
Favourable Conditions

  • High day temperature (30-35˚C).
  • Low humidity (50-60%).
  • Low soil moisture and alkaline soils.
  • Excess doses of nitrogenous fertilizers.

Disease Cycle
The fungus is soil-borne and remains in the soil as saprophyte for 2-3 years. The disease is primarily transmitted through infected seed pieces. The secondary spread is aided by wind, rain and irrigation water.


  • Select the seed material from the disease-free plots.
  • Avoid the practice of ratooning in diseased fields.
  • Burn the trashes and stubbles in the field.
  • Grow coriander or mustard as a companion crop in the early stages of crop.
  • Dip the setts in 40ppm Boran or Manganese for 10 minutes or in 0.25% Emisan or 0.05% Carbendazim for 15 minutes.