e course

PESTS OF MAIZE :: Major Pests :: Shoot Bug

7.  Shoot bug:  Peregrinus maidis (Delphacidae: Hemiptera)

Distribution and status: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh

Host range: Sorghum, maize, rice, millets

Damage symptoms: Injury to the plants is caused by the adults and nymphs which suck sap from them.  The attacked plants become unhealthy, stunted and yellow.  The leaves wither from top downwards.  Panicle formation is inhibited and the plants die if attack is severe.  Honeydew secreted by the bug causes growth of sooty mould on leaves.



Management: Spray 500 ml dimethoate 30 EC or methyl demeton 25 EC in 500 L of water per ha.