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Yellow mould - Aspergillus flavus
            Seed and un-emerged seedlings attacked by the pathogen are rapidly shriveled and dried. Brown or black mass covered by yellow or greenish spores may be seen. Decay is most rapid when infected seeds are planted. After seedling emergence cotyledons already infected with the pathogen, show necrotic lesions with reddish brown margins. This necrosis terminates at or near the cotyledonary axis. Under field conditions the diseased plants are stunted, and are often chlorotic. The leaflets are reduced in size with pointed tips, widely varied in shape and sometimes with veinal clearing.

  • Since the fungus is a weak parasite, agronomic practices which favour rapid germination and vigorous growth of seedling will reduce the chance of A. flavus infection.
  • Seed treatment with carbendazim or captan or thiram at 2g/kg seed.