e course



8. Giant African snail: Achatina fulica (Achatinidae:
Damage symptoms :  The snails are found in betelvine gardens clinging to the lower and protected surface of the leaves of supporting plants. They feed on sprouted buds, leaves, outer layers of the stem of betelvine and supporting trees. Infestation is high during rainy and winter season.
Bionomics   : The snails are large, bisexual with shell. Eggs are laid in rainy season in the soil surface or just below in batches of 200, adult fecundity 1000 eggs, egg period 7 days. Young ones take about nine months to mature, adult longevity up to 3 or 4 years.

  1. Heap the gunny bags near the fences of the betel vine gardens to attract, collect and kill the snails
  2. Collect and destroy the hiding snails.
  3. Metaldehyde pellets 5 % over the field to attract and kill the snails.