e course




2. Cut worm:  Agrotis ipsilon (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)




         The greasy cut worms come out during night and cut the seedlings at ground level and eat tender leaves.    Larva: Black with pale mid dorsal stripes; head pale brown, skin with coarse granules interspersed with small granules. Adult: Forewing pale brown with dark purplish brown along costal and towards base; hind wing white with brown tinge.
ETL: 2 larvae/ metre row


A- Adult,  B- Egg, C- Larva, D- Pupa 



  • Hand pick and destroy the larvae – morning and evening hours on cracks and crevices in the field
  • Plough the soil during summer months to expose larvae and pupae for predation by birds.
  • Operate light trap @ 12 traps/ ha
  • Place pheromone traps @ 12 traps/ ha to attract male moths
  • Poison bait: Rice bran 12.5 Kg +Molasses or Brown sugar 2.5Kg + Carbaryl 50 WP 1.25 Kg – Mix the ingredients well – Keep around the field in the evening hours
  • Irrigate in day time to expose larvae for avian predators
  • Insecticides: Endosulfan 35EC @ 1 L/ha or chlorpyriphos 20EC @ 1 L/ha or neem oil @ 3%