e course

Pests of Banana :: Major Pests


2. Pseudostem borer: Odoiporus longicollis (Curculionidae: Coleoptera)


Distribution and status: It is widely distributed in all banana growing areas. Major pest.
Host range: Banana


Damage symptoms



Grubs bore holes and tunnels in the pseudostem causing wilting of the plant. They also feed on tissues of leaf sheath from the inner surface and also on decaying tissues.



Eggs thrust within air chamber @ one egg/air chamber in leaf sheath through oviposition slits made by rostrum. Eggs are laid in the psedostem about 1-1.5 m above ground level. Egg period 4-8 days. Grub apodous, grub period 30-65 days with five larval instars. Grubs pupate in tunnel towards the periphery in a cocoon made from pieces of fibrous sheath materials.  Pupal period 24-44 days. Adult longevity two years. 




Banana - Pseudostem borer Management (Video)

i. Adopt good cultivation practices to improve weevil tolerance
ii. Maintain healthy plantation by periodical removal of dry leaves and suckers.
iii. Prune the side suckers every month
iii. Inject pseudostem with monocrotophos 36 WSC (50 ml + 350 ml water) @ 2 ml at 45 cm height and another at 150 cm height from ground level at monthly intervals from 5th - 8th month.  Beyond 8 months (after flowering), this should not be done.
v. Do not dump infested materials into manure pit.
vi. Uproot infested trees, chop into pieces and burn.