Pests of Mango :: Major Pests :: Mango Hoppers
1. Mango hoppers: Idioscopus niveosparus, I. clypealis, Amritodus atkinsoni (Cicadellidae : Hemiptera)
Distribution and status:
India, Indonesia, Formosa, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Srilanka, Burma, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Malaysia. Major pest prevalent in the flowering season and devastating in all mango growing areas.
Host range: Mango
Damage symptoms: Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender shoots and inflorescence resulting in withering and shedding of flower buds and also wilting and drying of shoots and leaves.
- The flower stalks and leaves in infested trees become sticky due to the deposition of honey-dew secreted by the hoppers that encourages the growth of black sooty mould on foliage and other parts.
- The hoppers take shelter in cracks and crevices on the bark during non-flowering season.
Bionomics: Eggs are laid in single into the tissues of the young leaves, shoots, flower stalk and unopened flowers. Incubation period: 4-7 days. Nymphal period: 8-13 days, 5 instars. Life cycle completed in 2-3 weeks.
I. niveosparsus |
I. clypealis |
A. atkinsoni |
Three spots on scutellum and white band across the wing |
Two spots on scutellum and dark spot on the vertex |
Two spots on scutellum |
Avoid close planting, as the incidence very severe in overcrowded orchards
- Orchards must be kept clean by ploughing and removal of weeds
- Pruning of dense canopy to facilitate aeration and sunlight
- Avoid excess use of nitrogenous fertilizers
- Spray dimethoate 30 EC or moncrotophos 36 SL 2.5-3.3 L , methyldemeton 25 EC or malathion 50 EC 1.5 -2.0 L in 1500 – 2000 L of water per ha or acephate 75 SP @ 1 g/L, phosalone 35 EC @1.5 ml/L, or new molecules like buprofezin 25 SC 1-2ml/L of water or imidacloprid 17.8 SL 2-4ml/tree or lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC 0.5-1.0ml/L of water at 10 -15 L of water per tree
- Neem oil 5 ml/lit of water can be mixed with any insecticide for spray
- Spray 3 per cent neem oil or neem seed kernel powder extract 5 per cent